Amy Sands is a Minneapolis-based artist who creates unique works on paper at the intersection of traditional and digital methods of printmaking. She has received numerous artist initiative grants and earned international recognition, including First Prize at the Mini Print III International Cantabria/Impact 10 in Santander, Spain, and the Juror’s Choice Award at the Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition 2017 in Tokushima, Japan. Alongside her artistic practice, Amy is an Associate Professor of Studio Arts at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Recently, Amy's work has focused on exploring the concept of "women’s work." She incorporates artifacts such as lace and craft doilies into her paper abstractions, paying homage to the history of women’s labor and questioning the values embedded in patriarchal systems. Her art challenges the traditional hierarchy between craft and fine art by bringing craft-inspired patterns into her prints. By combining post-digital printmaking processes like laser cutting with traditional methods, she pushes the boundaries of what printmaking can be. This blend of delicate and mechanical elements also highlights the theme of gender roles. Additionally, her exploration of scale broadens the creative possibilities within her printmaking practice.